Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dear Tide

Dear Tide,

I think the time has come for me to say something. I kept it to myself for long enough. But before I do that let me say that I don't hate you. Sure I don't love you, but my feelings toward you are not that of hate, but rather indiffenence. Don't let that make you think that my feelings will change by your recent commericals. Putting them in front of the WheezyWaiter videos I'm trying to watch will not change my feelings for the better. In fact they are annoying me more then the annoying orange. So please, at least differate them from the stupid bbq one, and the cold water one. Oh, and I do hate the cold water one!



PS- seriously stop.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


So, I've been watching a lot of vlogbrothers videos, trying to catch up, and well, I'm not sure if it led to this sort of thought pattern but none the less here it is.

So, I was looking at Meekakitty's World Vision pictures on the book face, and I got to thinking about how I may or may not think of getting an inhaler for the exersice induced asthma I'm pretty sure I gots. And then I thought that I could get it. All I would need is the prescription, and I'm pretty sure I can afford it. But that's what pains me. I can afford it. I hate the thought that there are people out there who need medications but can't afford them. And so they have to do without. People that may die without it, have to, because of money. That seems wrong to me. There should be a way (and if there is, and I'm not aware, please let me know) that people who really need medication but can't afford it can get it for free (or close).


Well back to Vlogbrothers. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Secret not so secret

So, my secret channel is not go secret anymore, actually I can't remember my secret youtube account so I had to make another one. But the important thing is that it's now up. It's nothing special, just a channel I will be make music vids for fun.

Anywho, its lonely go check it out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Contest- Winning is winning

Hey all,

I'm in a contest for Checkyourfocus and I could win an iPad 2. I really want one, and I want to win as I like pretty much never ever win anything.

It's super easy too. All anyone reading this entry has to do is click the link I'm going to put below, and then click on the link beside my picture on that page that says 'vote for this entry.' It's that simple, two clicks! You won't get carpal tunnel or anything from that. And I'll love you all if you do.

So please, please, please click on the link above. Please.

Don't make me beg.

PS I put a lot of work into my video, and am very proud of it, and you know, winning is winning. Yeah, Charlie, non crazy people can use that saying too.


What do we sacrifice on a day to day basis for happiness? Do most of us give things up because that is what is expected of us? I'd answer the latter with a yes. I think that a lot of us give up a lot of things just so others are happy. I know I am guilty of this. I want others to be happy so much that I often do what others want me to do and not what I want to do.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and its been helping me make some hard decisions. Now, I don't want to hurt anyone, but I'm starting to do what I want to do. I'm doing what I have to do.

Cause, I just want to be happy.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Barbies are the devil?

Okay, are Barbies THAT bad? I mean, yeah, they are an unreal ideal for young girls, but are they THAT bad. I was having a debate with my mother over this after dinner. She thinks they are bad (now, after my sister and I are all grown, and had grown with them, mind you). She thinks young girls shouldn't play with them and they lead girls to grow with problems. To that I retorted that yes, I have problems (I won't pretend I don't) but none of them are to do with my playing with Barbies growing up. In fact I'd go as far as saying that Barbies are a good creative outlet for young women. I'm a writer, and I came up some amazing stories through my days (and nights) playing with Barbies.I loved my Barbies. I played with them all the time, and I had a lot of them. I loved Dolls but they were never as important to me as my Barbies.

So how is Barbie really that bad. My image problems never steamed from my Barbies as my Mother would have believe. I'd say that in all actuality society is to blame for that. Barbie has had many good jobs, she's never really needed a man (though Ken has been there). She's raised countless sisters (with no parents to boot, which come on is a mircale in and of itself). She is made of different races (or at the very least has friends that are, though in that case they really should make her in other they? I'm confused now...) she helps people, has good manners, and they have yet to make teen pregnancy Barbie (though they did have a pregnant Barbie of somekind in the eighties). Barbie brings fun to girls and boys all over the world. Sure she is gorgeous, but can we call her the devil just because she's beautiful?

I think that we need to stop fighting everything and see somethings for what they are: fun!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Is it only me?

Okay, so I'm trying to make myself a better person. Push my limits so to speak. And one of those things was to face things that used to scare me. One thing I did maybe a year ago (I can't remember the time exactly) was watch Michca Bartons scene from 'The Sixth Sense.' And yesterday (and today) I've decided to watch 'Chucky',  'Child's Play' to be more specific. Chucky was something that scared me. I've never watched one before (with the exception of the end of Bride of...and that gave me weird nightmarish dreams). But when I saw it on my friends Netflixs I had to check it out. But I don't find it scary. Is that me? Isn't this movie supposed to be some terrifying thing. And yes, the doll does give me the creeps, but so far (and I'm a little bit more then half way through), I don't find it that scary.

Maybe it gets scarier as it goes. I don't know, some movies to take a lot before they get going.  I guess I've been expecting that iconic Chucky voice and have yet to see it. Okay, never mind, there it is. Hmmm...reminds me of Danny Devito.

Oh....and was I also the only one to go 'IT'S THE MOM FROM SEVENTH HEAVEN!" lol